Christmas shopping guide

Lets talk Christmas shopping :)  There are those of us who have everything organised, bought, wrapped and under the tree in March (it seems) and those who (like us) have lots of good intentions...yet have no actual presents yet. 

Too late for bespoke?  Not quite!  Here are a few of our favourite makers that we'd like to recommend!


Christmas is always a hectic time for me, I work up until the 20/21st normally and then think...oh yeah presents?! I’m lucky in that my work takes me to selling events where I can meet makers, handle items and appreciate the whole story to a shop. We have put together a little guide of shops we’re following and have pieces on our wish list.  There might be something here that fills that place of a last minute gift for your parents, a friend or your gran. I don’t buy independently for everyone, but buying one or two pieces really helps people make a living out of something they love, while also giving the gift of something unique is a lovely way to spread the love at Christmas.

All photos used are credited to the makers. 

Angela is a jeweller who i have stalked on line for a while now-last weekend I had the pleasure of finally meeting her in person! Her work is all about making a statement. Simple strong bold in design, got my eye on a pair of earrings....well a couple of pieces! Follow on Instagram for some lovely videos of her process. 

Is somebody that I found through Joanne hawkers meet the maker this November. I just love her paper-cuts! The black and white houses all hustled together reminds me of taking the train home through the Pennines. 

If you don’t love pugs...well then I think there’s something wrong with you! And how cute are these?! Black pug press is a illustrator and print-maker who produces some really lovely lino pieces in mixed colours.  Their whale print is a favourite, and the pug faces...well I can’t get enough! 

Based in Cornwall (as above with the pugs, who doesn’t love Cornwall?! Well except maybe driving through it...) at a show in Saltaire I bought a mug from a ceramicist. It was £12 and worth every penny! I love that mug, it’s my start to the day, a bit of comfort, it sits beautifully in my hand and I covet these mugs for the same reason! Inspired by folklore and a bit of sgraffito you have these lovely blue textured pieces. Marks and textures really bring these pieces together for me, and they’re definitely on my wish list! 

Sandra Nield is the Little silver works.  I have a couple of pieces of her work and have commissioned a couple of more pieces! Her work is very unique and just well LOVELY! contact her directly for stock or have a look through her Instagram.  If you're local to Manchester then I know shes taking part at the Parrs wood Christmas Extravaganza on the 15th...I will be there catching up on my shopping! 

Babble - Jess

I have to say that I'm a last-minuter too! This year is no exception and I'll probably be going right to the eleventh hour as usual.  I have done a little bit of local shopping, although I don't shop local for everyone.  As Emma said, even a little bit can make a big difference to a maker, or a local high street.  Here are some of my favourite places and people to shop from...

All photos used are credited to the makers

Scented Melts is a local business, based in the Grainger Market in Newcastle.  All of their melts are hand made and they smell incredible; I have one burning in my house right now.  They do beautiful gift sets and are always releasing new scents.  Every time I'm in Newcastle i pop in, the staff are really friendly and the products are completely affordable.  Their burner and wax melt sets make a perfect Christmas gift. 

I first came across this lovely lady's work a few years ago when I started putting stock into a shop in Morpeth.  She makes the sweetest felted creatures; mice in particular.  They are beautifully made and each have their own little personalities.  Michelle is also on Etsy so can shop online for her unique creations too!

For The Love of The North
Admittedly I haven't visited their Whitley Bay shop yet (shocking I know) but I have been to their shop at Newcastle's Stack and it is delightful.  For The Love of The North champion North East designers, makers and artists and have a fantastic range of locally produced items; from baby wear to the most delicious smelling candles, cards, decorations and more.  I got our Yak a gift from there for Christmas but can't share it yet because she'll see...

Lines Behind
Locally designed and made and just a bit hilarious; Lines Behind create funny, northern cards and prints amongst other things. They've got a few stockists across Newcastle now, including Fenwick, but if you click on the link above you can shop direct.  I've got my eye on something for Mr Babble if I can get myself sorted in time for the post!

Clare Hillerby
A maker I first came across at the Manchester Craft and Design Centre...I think I Insta-stalk a little bit here and would love to own a piece one day!  I love her collage and composition work and jewellery pieces which are crafted from old ephemera and are beautifully made.  


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