Sorry, its been a while.....


Hello! firstly I just want to apologise to you for neither of us being in touch this year and we are already nearing the end of April...I'd say where does the time go, but its dragged, its really dragged and honestly I think that we have both just struggled to get motivated.  Life has got in the way but we have still been working away behind the scenes.  I hope that you're doing ok and with vaccines and roadmaps we might be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

New postcard designs to send out with orders

January and February were mostly taken up with an arts council career development grant application.  Both myself and Jess applied and we are waiting to hear back.  I don't really want to talk too much about it as we spoke today and agreed that if we think about it too much, or speak about it, then it will never happen for us?! It sounds pretty superstitious doesn't it? It was a lot of work, and a lot of going back and forth and I think we both just really want it, but the likely hood of it happening is slim, but you have to be in it to win it right? Once I clicked upload, a massive weight lifted and I dont think I am just speaking for myself when I say we should be really proud for what we did and whatever happens it can act as a focus for us moving forward. 

Something else new for me was to reply to a call out from Manchester Sew social for a piece inspired by what International Women's day means to you.  Now, looking at my Instagram you probably wouldn't necessarily think I'm a textiles artist, and you would be right. While I print and paint on fabric I rarely sew.  Well I sew for pleasure and as a break from my printed and painting work.  I have been working on for over a year a English paper piecing blanket-currently the size of a pillow.  I know it will all come together quickly just next time I think I will use a machine....I also love to cross stitch but when tired, I forget to count and mess up, I would love to be able to knit or crochet but I have never been able to pick it up.  Both my Gran and my Mam have tried to show me but nah its the most frustrating thing in the world!! So stitching it is. 

Final image of stitched portrait 

I decided to go back to that scraper board self portrait made in the first lockdown and complete a hand embroidery piece using lines in a way to mimic cross hatching.  It took a while but I loved it.  I was so pleased to be accepted into this exhibition and have been introduced to a new community that, once lockdown is over, I hope to meet in real life! If you want to know more about the work then the exhibition catalogue is here or to walk around a virtual gallery then click here

Scraper board self portrait 2020

On the face of it, I felt like this year has started as badly as the last ended, writing this has shown me I have already been brave in two areas and made some leaps forward.  

Babble: Jess

I think it's important to stop every now and then, take stock and rest.  Emma is right.  By looking back you actually can see that you've achieved a lot, regardless of what you do for work or interests. I complete a review every year and was genuinely surprised that 2020, although an emotional rollercoaster, was actually not as bad as I'd thought in terms of work, and in the face of a global pandemic!  So here's to not giving ourselves a hard time, easing up on the guilt a bit.  Have you learned anything from this prolonged period of time? (Hasn't the winter just gone on forever?) I think I now know what I can realistically achieve in a day. I keep my weekends for family.  I've realised that I can no longer work into the wee hours of the night and besides, I've just started watching Line Of Duty, so come the evening, it's time to chill (and have I not watched this before now...Mother of God!)

So, on to some of the things that I've been up to.  (Aside from the most gruelling application ever in February.  It feels like by even talking about it I will get my hopes up!  It did really help to focus and prioritise though, regardless of the outcome).

I met and worked with a lovely group of talented Embroiderers for a talk and workshop in February.  The Solihull Embroiderer's Guild welcomed me via Zoom, to talk about my journey in textiles and then we spent a Saturday afternoon creating stitched textile collages of our favourite buildings.  It's really surprised me how much we can all achieve on Zoom this past year. One of my working samples is pictured below, do you recognise the local landmark?

"A beautiful spring day"

March finally saw my kids go back to school, which was a much-needed change for us all.  The difference in their moods and sleep patterns was instant and just shows how important our communities are. As soon as they were with their friends they perked up. I managed a bit of time at the studio and, feeling quite unmotivated at this point, did a huge sort out and tidy up.  The Hearth have been donating craft packs to food banks to promote mental wellbeing, so it was nice that some of the things I knew I wouldn't use went to a good cause. 

The hearth also ran a digital festival earlier this month, called "Kindness Through Culture" which I took part in.  I recorded a couple of new tutorials and will pop the links below, should you fancy a little bit of stitch or collage in your free time.  One is on The Hearth's YouTube channel and the other on my own.  

To visit collage card tutorial click here.  To watch my scrappy Spring needle case tutorial, click here. Shameless plug...kits are available to accompany the needle case video, visit my Etsy store to shop.

Scrappy Spring needle case

I think that's all for now.  It's been a rough ride and we're not out of the woods yet, but here's to sunnier days, seeing friends and hope x

Vintage altered spoon case


  1. Lovely blog, a pleasure to read. I hope you both get your applications accepted. I think this has been a strange year, it's gone on so long and spring has taken forever to come.
    Jess it was you who last year started me off on a whole new journey when I took part in your sketchbook challenge. I am loving my new direction and will always be grateful. Good luck to both of you. Sue x

    1. Ah thank you so much for your comment! Emma here, sadly me and Jess weren't successful but its just another thing in a strange year! we have each other and we can move on from. I am so glad Jess has helped you-she's really inspiring! thank you Sue x


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