Sorry, its been a while.....
Yak:Emma Hello! firstly I just want to apologise to you for neither of us being in touch this year and we are already nearing the end of April...I'd say where does the time go, but its dragged, its really dragged and honestly I think that we have both just struggled to get motivated. Life has got in the way but we have still been working away behind the scenes. I hope that you're doing ok and with vaccines and roadmaps we might be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. New postcard designs to send out with orders January and February were mostly taken up with an arts council career development grant application. Both myself and Jess applied and we are waiting to hear back. I don't really want to talk too much about it as we spoke today and agreed that if we think about it too much, or speak about it, then it will never happen for us?! It sounds pretty superstitious doesn't it? It was a lot of work, and a lot of going back and forth and I think we b...