Do the thing that scares you...

April has been a busy month indeed; it seems to have come and gone in the blink of an eye and we (I) missed the the blog post this month but perhaps I can explain. At the end of our last blog post, Emma mentioned that I had some exciting news to share; I now have a studio space! The past month saw me leave the classroom for the second time and physically move all of my things into a new workspace, twenty minutes up the road, in the picturesque village of Horsley. It may sound like my feet didn't touch the ground but one of the nice things about being self employed, amongst all of the scary and overwhelming things, is that you can set the pace. I moved with the help of family and friends in a few trips then spent the second week of the Easter holidays working in my new space, by myself, for a few hours at a time, just settling in. I am really looking forward to developing my work further. After years of teaching and working to commissions or trends, it's t...